
How well do you know Shopper Marketing? Test your understanding – Let’s Play!

Let’s play a game and test your understanding of Shopper Marketing!

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Passion in Sales- What are the boundaries?

For the past many years, there is a daily ritual I have. Watching a movie or a series episode everyday. I devote 1 to 2 hours almost daily towards this and feels quite therapeutic, relaxing and interestingly enough provides me with some good insights. After all, the cinematographic worlds many times are a reflection of our real worlds. There are certain clips which inspire,motivate or even force you to think about applications in real life. I will be sharing some of those in days to come but this particular one from a movie I recently watched was hilarious and thought provoking at the same time. How much passion in Sales is Good? Are there or should there be any boundaries? What do you think?

birth of salesman

The Birth of a Salesman

The Birth of a Salesman

Hello Everyone,

For those of you who don’t know me, I pride myself on being a salesman at heart. Having started my sales career in the early 90s, have seen interesting changes in sales team’s profiles at different levels and in different geographies across the years. I have been lucky enough to have supported sales and marketing initiatives in more than 50 countries and across different channels from the most organised to the most fragmented such as those supporting BPL( Below poverty line) consumption in the developing world.

In the recent few years there are a few key topics around Sales & Distribution management which I feel very passionate about and I look forward to sharing my thoughts on those with you. One topic which I have seen discussed a lot recently is the relevance of a Sales person in today’s Digital world. I have seen some posts marking the phenomenon as the death of a sales person’s role, lost world of sales etc etc. This amuses me quite a lot as in my view this changing landscape is and should be “The Birth of a Salesman”, birth of a salesman who can be relevant in today’s world, birth of a salesman who can use his amazing skills from previous experiences such as relationship building to bring more life into the management of current channel landscape and birth of a salesman who combines richness of being able to understand customer needs with the agility of being able to fulfill them through the modern digital methods.

I will share more details on that perspective in the next few posts so watch the space. Just wanted to start off the dialogue with all you lovely colleagues, co-professionals, friends and would be friends with an initial thought I felt strongly about.

Have a lovely evening.


Ankur Shiv Bhandari